SUNDAY NIGHT IN THE WORD at 6:00 pm in Worship Center: BCC Elder Scott Grimm is going through a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Revelation. 

Please attend if possible. If unable to attend you can watch the study live online at You Tube: Bayshore Community Church NFMFL or on Facebook at: BCC North Fort Myers.
Either way, plan to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to learn about earth’s final days.



BCC Grief Share, January 9th:  Grief Share (13 week), led by Suzy Roiger, starts January 9th at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall.  Sign up is on information counter in front of the sound booth.


POSTPONED DUE TO EXTREME COLD WEATHER!! Will update soon with the next opportunity for those who wish to follow the Lord in believer's baptism. 

Sunday, January 12th: BCC baptism right after the second service.  This will be taking place at Ron & Bobbie Perry's pool.

Saturday, January 18th: Men's ISI at 8am in Fellowship Hall.  Join the men fellowship as your sharpen each other with God's Word.


Saturday, January 18th: Crafting at 1pm in Fellowship Hall.  Bring a craft project you are currently working on or start a new one & come join the fellowship.


Sunday, January 19th: BCC annual All-Church Bayshore Vision Meeting.  We'll be meeting in the Worship Center from 3:30 - 5:30pm where the elders will be sharing some of our key goals & dreams for Bayshore in the coming year.  Whatever it takes, please block off this important time & join us for this key visionary meeting.


January 24th & 25th: Bayshore will be hosting a special seminar presentation on the exploding world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its ramifications on Christians and the End Times.  This even is being headed up by Elder Scott Grimm and many details are to follow.  Please pencil this into your calendar & plan to take part in this exciting new year event.


January 28th: Woman's Bible Study on Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:30am in Fellowship Hall.  This nine week study is on Everyday Theology written by Mary Wiley & will be led by Barb Schilder.  Sign up sheet is on the information shelf in front of the sound booth.


Where did our Operation Christmas Boxes go?

Our Operation Christmas Child boxes traveled to Cameroon, Africa on November 29th.  Cameroon, Africa is in Central Africa.  It is one of the most literate nations on the continent, as well as the most diverse in geography & culture. 

Thank you for your donations & gifts that allowed the gospel to reach children & families in this part of the world.



We invite you to join us in FELLOWSHIP PLACE located in the santuary.

Come enjoy coffee and fellowship before and between services every Sunday.


Watch for new events here

Highlights from our Past Events:

veterans celebration