Bayshore Community Church
Bayshore Community Church
SUNDAY NIGHT IN THE WORD at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall: BCC Elder Scott Grimm is going through a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Revelation.
Title of message is: "The 3rd Temple and the Two Witnesses" - Rev. 11:1-14.
We will be meeting in Fellowship Hall. Those that need assistance or have walkers can park in the new parking area.
Please attend if possible. If unable to attend you can watch the study live online at You Tube: Bayshore Community Church NFMFL or on Facebook at: BCC North Fort Myers.
Either way, plan to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to learn about earth’s final days.
Woman's Bible Study; Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall 9:30 - 11:30am. This nine-week study is on Everyday Theology written by Mary Wiley and is led by Barb Schilder.
Baptismal Service: Sunday, March 2nd: immediately after second service at the Perry home.
Communion Service: Sunday, March 2nd: Prepare your hearts to observe the Biblical ordinance of communion as a church family.
BCC Grief Share, February 27th (week 8 of 13): at 9:30AM in Fellowship Place.
Saturday, February 22nd: Men's ISI at 8am in Fellowship Hall.
Join the men fellowship as your sharpen each other with God's Word.
Saturday, February 22nd: Crafting at 1pm in Fellowship Hall.
Bring a craft project you are currently working on or join us in making t-shirt braided jump ropes for Operation Christmas Child. Just bring some t-shirts to be made into jump ropes!
Come join the fellowship.
Daylight Savings Time: Saturday, March 8th: Turn your clocks ahead an hour.
Bayshore Community Church New Membership class: Sunday, March 9th at 3:30PM in Fellowship Hall.
We invite you to join us in FELLOWSHIP PLACE located in the santuary.
Come enjoy coffee and fellowship before and between services every Sunday.
Watch for new events here
Highlights from our Past Events:
veterans celebration